Mafia 3 Cops Mod/Collection

This is a collection of scripts/mods, plugins and trainers. This is meant to have all the basic tools needed for roleplay in Mafia 3, primarily the police, hence the name.
This also comes with my working scripthook... Since people complain their scripthook does not work.
I am looking for more experienced script making people and people that want to help improve upon this!
1. Install working version of scripthook!
If that does not work, do not fret, Milly is here to save the day! My working scripthook is in the download. Just drag and drop!
2. Move all files from installation folder to your Mafia 3 Directory. (Files may replace some files, say yes.)
If it says it is a virus, I assure you it is not. It is because of the trainers included.
1.01 (Day One Patch):
Fixed minor spelling mistakes.
Added new Mafia 3 Map in download. (Now includes all locations, not just New Bordeaux.)