Vito Scaletta

This mod lets you play as Vito Scaletta in Mafia 3! Comes with 3 different outfit replacements for Lincoln to play as Vito:
"Combat/Default Outfit" - Vito w/ Bomber Jacket "Plain White Tee" - Vito w/ Shirt and Hat "Mr. Clay" - Vito w/ Classic Italian Mobster Coat
Everything works well in-game and even some cutscenes as if Vito was a playable character. Just go to your nearest wardrobe and change your outfit.
This mod took very long to make because of the countless hours and days/nights of research and trial/error done to make it work. Take this as my tribute to the great Mafia 2 and I hope you enjoy it.
Special thanks to "Modded Games/sdaddy345" for helping in research and "y.u.s.i.k" for Mafia III Resource Explorer.
To install, replace "spawnprofiles.sds" in "Mafia III/sds_retail/combinables", remember to make a backup!