What is the purpose of this mod?
As CC2 has neglected to fix bugs and balance characters as they are not focused on providing a competitive experience, we are taking this into our own hands. We want to provide an experience founded in the greatest aspects of Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 while incorporating new gameplay ideas.
Discord to Matchmake: https://discord.gg/QDFugdb
Mod Pack Credits: Lead Developers – Exavadeathwitch, HydraBladez
Lead Designer – Playco Armboy
Playtesters – Raghbir, Poisoned, Malice, Paradoxitic, Gunweed
Costume Modders – Chakrawarrior2012, akiaki, Haikal, ShinBasker
Moveset Modders – Eliteace, TobiisTenten, Valant96
Engine Modders – Nighlin
Sound Modder – TheOneOfAll
Artwork – Garrison
Special thanks to Zealot and R.A.G. for the modding API.
Super special thanks to TheWalkingAmongTheDead, Theovanua, Typhonua, Crownclown, Portable Productions, and UltimateOmbuStorm for providing code and models.