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21:9 / Surround / Eyefinity HUD Mod

This mod aims to fix the terrible support for 21:9 and Surround / Eyefinity Resolutions.  The HUD was completely stretched even though HG Claims they were supporting it.  This is a terribly bad port of the original HUD.  This mod has morphed from one mans project and another's desire, to a slightly community driven mod with many support angles and contributions.  The following is the accumulation of work put into this mod so far. 

Changes that were made with this Mod:


  • Top left health area (spAnser / Toffler)
  • Wanted Stars (spAnser / Toffler)
  • Bottom Right area (spAnser / Toffler)
  • Crosshair (spAnser)
  • Interact Icon but not the black circle around it (spAnser)
  • Items / Slots (spAnser)
  • That circle behind the backpack / ship / multitool (spAnser)
  • 3D Renders on inventory screens (spAnser)
  • 3D Renders on comparison screen (spAnser)
  • Stats on comparison screen [ only the icons, the circle stat bars cannot be fixed currently. ] (spAnser)
  • 3D Render on pre-comparison screen (spAnser)
  • Units icon in the frame that has your name on inventory screens (spAnser)
  • 3D Render of NPCs in space stations on ships. [Also scaled down by 50% because its way to big ] (spAnser / Furinex[Surround/Eyefinity])
  • Font / Text should look nicer [ /u/Furinex has modified 2 of the game fonts for this release ] (Furinex)
  • Global Positioning of Main UI Elements for 21:9 and Surround/Eyefinity (Furinex / Toffler)



  • This mod has been tested in a 21:9 Resolution of 2560x1080 for the most part.  
  • Surround / Eyefinity Support is in current ALPHA state.  

Add me on Discord:  @Furinex#1883

  • Here's a gallery for 21:9 with some descriptions: Gallery
  • Here's a gallery for Surround / Eyefinity with some descriptions: Gallery (Thanks to MacTank11)

Unpack whichever version you need (21:9 or surround) and place ONE in your GAMEDATA.PCBANKS folder.  Run the game and enjoy.


Surround/Eyefinity - 

  • Finalized the Gamplay HUD.  Health / Wanted Level / Mining Beam / Ammo / Hazard / Planet Status / Utility Icons and Notifications should now size properly and are pushed to the Left most and Right most sides of the render window.  (This is a decision I am going to stick with due to the overwhelming majority of messages I am receiving requesting this style.)
  • Trader Interaction 3D Render has been thinned out a bit to account for Surround/Eyefinity - Still working on this so bear with me, but it should be better than what it was.



Surround/Eyefinity - 

  • Readjusted health hud/wanted level/hazard/icons to the outer side monitors.
  • Squished all the UI elements a bit more to try and solve the HUD issue during gameplay.  

**Again, I have no one to test this with - so I'm just guessing... please provide feedback, pictures or msg me @furinex#1883 on discord**



  • Fixed some cutoff that was happening with 21:9 on the main hud.
  • Adjusted the Surround mod using a different method than the 21:9, Im hoping this puts main hud items on your right most and left most monitors and squishes them correctly, (This squish my be off a bit - i will adjust after some feedback)



  • Adjusted some values for Surround in testing (SURROUND IN ALPHA FOR NOW)
  • Renamed files to identify difference better


  • Added two versions, 21:9 and Surround.


  • 2Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
1.32 MB
Credit given to modders
Furinex / spAnser / Toffler
September 3, 2016


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  • 2Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
1.32 MB
Credit given to modders
Furinex / spAnser / Toffler
September 3, 2016

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