Better Tech Three in Anomaly
Better Tech Three - Anomaly
I adjusted some values in Tech three that you buy in Anomaly for Nanite
For Example:
Translate modules translate more words
B - 1 Word, A - 5 Words, S - 10 Words
Better protection in Exosuite
All variants give you +50%
Better Mining Experience
Advanced Mining module give you +100% Mining Speed
Optical Drill give you +1400% Resources (No more griding)
Scanner Module give you -90% Scanner recharge and 50% Scan Distance
Put file : TechThree.pak into Mod folder in NMS.
Files Affected:
1.1 - Fixed Ship take off consume too much resources 60% - Now take 10% and after upgrade take 5%.
1.2 - Tweak down Engine technology on Exocraft - Too much Grip.