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Dr. Kaii’s OMG Less Storms

Update to work with Beyond. Only one version available atm: 1hr day/night, 1hr between storms.


Mods available in combinations:


-Normal Days (i.e. 15 minutes day, 15 minutes night) for files ending with "..._NormalDays.pak"
-30 Minute Days (and 30 minute nights) for files ending with "..._30MinDays.pak"
-1 Hour Days (and 1 hour nights) for files ending with "..._1HrDays.pak"

...combined with:

All storms appearing no more often than every 30 minutes or less often than 45 minutes  for files starting with "OMGLessStorms30-60_..."


All storms appearing no more often than every 60 minutes or less often than 90 minutes  for files starting with "OMGLessStorms60-90_..."


  • Low storms every 60-90 minutes and
  • High storms every 30-45 minutes and
  • Extreme storms every 15-22.5 minutes
    ..for files starting with "OMGLessStorms60-90_30-45_15-22.5_..."


  • Low storms every 30-45 minutes and
  • High storms every 15-22.5 minutes and
  • Extreme storms every 10-15 minutes
        ..for files starting with "OMGLessStorms30-45_15-22.5_10-15_..."


  • This mod affects ONLY storms. They begin with "Warning, storm approaching", and say "STORM" in your hazard protection bar.
  • This may not work if conflicting with other mods that affect the GCSKYGLOBALS.GLOBALS.MBIN file.
  • I am not 100% sure what the details are on the differences between Low High and Extreme storms, but from what I can tell, it seems that a planet with storms can only have one type. Some planets will have "Low" storms, some will have "High" and extreme planets can have "Extreme" storms. This isn't 100% confirmed but the game does divide the times between them in vanilla in descending gaps, so I thought some might want this to still happen even when delaying them across the board.
  • Working for NMS Next/Visions

May update and add variants in future, especially if requested.

Many modders (including myself) lose interest in mods. Donating, even just $1, genuinely motivates to keep the project up to date and improved. Saying this from lots of experience making mods and apps!

To Install, choose your mod and then:

go to C:...Steam LibrarysteamappscommonNo Man's SkyGAMEDATAPCBANKS and make a MODS folder and stick it in there. Then go back up a level to the PCBANKS folder and rename the DISABLEMODS.TXT to something else

Questions: [email protected]


Added variations

Dr. Kaii
  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
18.11 kB
Credit given to modders
Dr. Kaii
September 26, 2019


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Dr. Kaii
  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
18.11 kB
Credit given to modders
Dr. Kaii
September 26, 2019

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