Easy Tech Series
Updated now for Atlas Rises!
Easy Waypoint Beacon
You can now use a lot of beacons easily with reduced ressource requirements. The ressources needed will be the same as for Signal Boosters, that is:
50 Iron
25 Platinum
I have changed the vanilla because it's a nuisance to gather Voltaic Cells (with Antrium) each time, also in Pathfinder and Atlas Rises ressources won't be refunded anymore if you delete items.
***>> Updated now with Easy Save Point! <<***
Now Save Points will just cost 5 Iron.
***>> Updated now with Easy Exocraft Geobays!<<***
I have changed the exocraft's geobays to be somewhat eaiser to build and to say goodbye to the Dynamic Resonator. To build it, you will need to gather these ressources:
100 Heridium
100 Carbon
50 Zink
I will not respond to any comment below saying 'The mod doesn't work' unless you give exact details, so just don't post this and read all Install and Changelog notes here :)
Steam users of the game, please ensure that all following steps are done after updating the game with a new patch!
How to install mods / this mod:
Navigate to the PCBANKS game folder
Create a folder MODS in the PCBANKS folder
Unzip the mod *pak files in the MODS folder.
I have splitted my mod so you can chose to have only single features enabled. This is explained by the .pak names. The 'COMPLETE' pak file will include everything. DO ONLY INSTALL 1 OF THESE PAK FILES !!
Uninstalling mods:
Remove a *.Pak file from the MODS folder to remove a single mod, revert all the above to remove all mods.
Mod Compatibility and other stuff:
This mod will NOT be compatible with any mod changing the values of crafting materials for technologies or other items. If you install this mod together with other mods, then it may not work for you and the game could even crash.
My newest mod version will only work with the ATLAS RISES update v. 1.31 and later patches. This mod will not work with future main updates, unless I release a new dedicated version for them.
I make no guarantee that this mod will work, you use it at your own risk and As Is. This mod is not related to Hello Games in any way. Please be aware that mods are not officially supported by Hello Games.
Version 1.0
Easy Waypoint Beacon
Version 2.0
Easy Waypoint Beacon + Easy Save Point
Version 3.0
Changed the mod title once more, sorry if you don't see your comments anymore.
Added Easy Exocraft Geobays
Version 3.131
Compatibility for the Update Atlas Rises
Version 3.2
Updated mod to have single features to be chosen from, or all features at once.
I have splitted my mod so you can chose to have only single features enabled. This is explained by the pak names. The 'COMPLETE' pak file will include everything. DO ONLY INSTALL 1 OF THESE PAK FILES !!
Steam users of the game, please ensure that all steps in the Installation notes are done after updating the game with a new patch!