FPS Booster Without Changing UI Resolution (No Man’s Sky NEXT)

Back again for NEXT! Essentially the same as before but I added a new option: Minimal Vegetation!
LowQualityNEXT: Like before, this one will reduce internal resolution and scale, probably it will hurt your eyes but hey, it's a 7-10 FPS Increase! Won't change anything related to UI though.
MinimalVegetation: As you might Imagine, Humanity needs to optimize the land by destroying everything for mobility, so most planets WILL look a bit barren (including Lush, sorry). Some special planets are unaffected (I.E. Crystal, Scorched, or the obvious; Dead) so this one can be a bit unreliable at times. Although it will help remove micro-stutter, if you have it. Not really a noticeable increase in performance except if you need the boost, or use both of the mods because you own a heck of a potato (like mine obv.)
This is optimized for Low-End PC, so I don't know how well it will perform if you have a $5,000 rig. Don't blame me if something unexpected happens. Although, you probably won't need this anyway.
I can't guarantee this will work for you or older/newer version. It does work for me (v1.59) and my curiosity test on NEXT V1.50. So if it works for you, then Enjoy!
In-case the Downloads button is a bit moody:
I put the same thing on the ReadMe.txt, if you prefer that.
1. Multiplayer use is not recommended. Use it at your own risk.
2. MOD Conflict with anything that edits the following;
-(Recommended) Backup your save file/Start fresh
-(Optional) Make sure the in-game settings is set to your desired first, to avoid any unnecessary conflict
-Choose which one you would like to install (or both)
-Place it on {directory}/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS
-Remove ENABLEMODS.TXT if you haven't already {directory}/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS
-Rehash/Delete SHADERCACHE folder on {directory}/GAMEDATA
V1.0 Release:
-Updated for NEXT v1.59
-Added Minimal Vegetation option for better optimization.
Special Thanks to:
Hello Games, PSArcTool, MBINDecompiler, & Notepad++ for making this possible.