GeoNMS RU Font

I was always a little sad about the fact that standard GeoNMS font was stylised only in latin part, and cyrillic one was untouched. Time to change this and give RU version more "NMS-style", at least for the Travellers who prefer so. :)
This is a tiny mod to cyrillic part. For now I just removed horizontal line in "A", but it's only beginning. I'll make more when I learn better how to draw fonts (completely new thing for me).
This mod changes only GAMEFONT2.TTF file.
It looks like HG is not gonna change anything in fonts (because why?), so this mod probably would be compatible with any version. If you'll see any incompability issues, feel free to let me know.
Installation notes:
1) Create (if not yet) MODS folder in GAMEDATA/PCBANKS;
2) Delete or rename file DISABLEMODS.TXT in GAMEDATA;
3) Unzip archive and copy .pak file(s) in GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS.
It's advisible, but not mandatory, to delete all files in GAMEDATA/SHADERCACHE (game will recreate them on next start).
v1.0 - Initial release. Mod is compatible with NEXT 1.58+