Higher Class Probabilities

Tweaks probabilities of ship, freighter, and multitool classes making it possible to find an S class in a poor system, a bit more likely to find A's and S's in average systems, and significantly more likely in rich systems.
Economy Type
Class: Original Probability > New Probability
C: 60% > 60%
B: 30% > 30%
A: 10% > 9%
S: 0% > 1%
C: 49% > 35%
B: 35% > 40%
A: 15% > 20%
S: 1% > 5%
C: 30% > 20%
B: 40% > 35%
A: 28% > 35%
S: 2% > 10%
Note: This mod will be incompatible with any other mod that changes the INVENTORYTABLE file.
Put the PAK file in your ... No Man's Sky GAMEDATA PCBANKS MODS folder.