Infrequent Storms
Changes the amount of time between storms. This is my first attempt at a mod and while it seems to be working so far, I'm not guaranteeing anything, so good luck. This is compatible with NEXT.
This mod is probably not compatible with anything that modifies the GCSKYGLOBALS.GLOBALS.MBIN file.
Thanks for everyone's suggestions and critiques.
Update 4.0:
Last update. I made some more variations of this with the Longer Days mod ( merged in. It contains x2/x4/x10/24 hours versions. These differ from the update below in that the day/night cycle will remain, they'll just be longer.
Update 3.0:
Added an attempt at combining the Longer Days mod ( with this one.
New file is named appropriately and combines the 60-90 minute storm intervals with a 90 minute daytime period + disabling the day/night cycle. I do not know if this will properly make it daytime all the time and I don't really care to test it. If someone else wants to, I'll update this.
Update 2.0:
Added a bunch of different variations:
- 10 - 15 minutes
- 15 - 60 minutes
- 15 - 90 minutes
- 30 - 60 minutes
- 30 - 90 minutes
- 60 - 90 minutes (tested, most definitely works)
- 10 - 15 hours (untested, may not work properly)
Note that last one is in hours. That one is basically an "I don't want storms ever".
The files are named appropriately so just pick the one you want, but only pick one.
Choose ONE of the .pak files and place it under the No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\MODS folder.
Delete or rename the DISABLEMODS.txt file.
1.0 - Initial creation
2.0 - Added more variations in time
3.0 - Added file to combine longer days with storm intervals
4.0 - Added more variations of the Longer Days mod with day/night cycle intact.