Level of Detail

This will change the Level of Detail (LOD) of the voxelgeneration.
The standard one is set at 3 and 4. I have changed it to 0,1, 50, 150 and 255.
As pointed out by some commenters higher levels may smooth out terrain and lower values should actually give more details.
(Just so that nobody gets confused. This does still not help with the bigthings mod pop in issue (at least for me). It does only encrease the level of detail not the draw/load distance, or whatever causes the other problem. I'll try to fix that one too but with the generation it's basically trial and error. Still looking for this one. Still trial and error.)
I would be very interested in before/after shots by you guys. More than interested actually because I need them to understand what the changes exactly are on different terrains. I have only tested this on the planet provided (because time) in the screenshots, which has given maybe misleading results.
Tell me about performance or other issues.
Put the right .pak file in your Gamedata/Pcbanks folder and delete your Shaderchache.
Added 0 and 1. Changed description.
Uploaded as .zip instead of .rar..
added 2,3 and 4.