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Life Sized Planets

This mod makes planet around Earth's Size which I consider life sized which is 345.84 times bigger than default planets . I figured this out by watching the video where it takes a guy about 12 hours to walk halfway around a planet and doubled it to get around the full size. Then I checked how long it take to walk around earth nonstop which is about 8300 hours. So I divided 8300 by 24 to get 345.84, and there's your answer. This is simply for those who want life sized planets and this could be hard on some systems. Also do not be surprised by graphical glitches with this mod because of the way loading in objects/chunks work. I give credit to pannonian for giving me the idea with his double sized planets mod which could be used by  less beefy computers. Also it's hard to see a difference in space do to the lack of depth/DOF. Hope you enjoy this mod. Sorry for bad planet meshes from space which I will fiddle with or leave alone if I can't find anything that works. I'm also sorry if I don't get updates out quickly, because I'm 14 and am in school so homework... Hope you understand thank you <3

2nd Image is meant to show how close that looks from that distance just so you know :P

EDIT: I have read about steambot and how it took him 4-45 hours to walk all away around a planet. This does mean that 50% is the closes and it's my bad for getting this wrong. Until I decide to edit the files and change the name 50% will remain the closest as of now.


Warning: This could make you game very slowly if you don't have a big rig. Also as a 2ND warning, land scales and shape can get pretty big and messy with this mod. Some computers may be prone to crashing.

Note: You will also have to jump to another system to get this effect

You can also leave feedback here:

  • copy and paste .pak file into NoMan'sSky/GAMEDATA/PCBBANKS
  • Delete Sharderchache 
  • Enjoy

Note: I recommend you backup your saves

V1.00 (Initial Release)


Hit save on the edited .MBIN file, sorry for those who downloaded it right away. Please forgive me.


Should have made planet textures better and up to scale. (let me know if this effects FPS at all and if you think it looked better before, which I hope is not the case.) Also planet textures from space will not look too good in the end because of the sheer size of planets. You do need to warp again for this to take effect.


Added 50% 100% and 150% for you to choose from. WARNING!: I have yet to try 150% and fear it could be very hard on systems just be warned before using.


Should of got rid of any unneeded .MBIN files to clean it up and save disc space. Tell me if it doesn't work and I'll revert to original files.  This should also increase compatibility with other mods


Due to the lack of knowledge I know about about coding I simply inserted the mountains mod into 100% as a test. This by all means should be considered a Beta file as I want it to change and not be an exact copy of the mountains mod. But this should make it where you'll be able to remove the Mountains mod and still have the terrain for the time being

  • 4Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
879.73 kB
Credit given to modders
September 16, 2016


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  1. Exploring life-sized models of planets can be an incredible way to grasp the vastness of our solar system and understand just how tiny we are in the grand scheme of things. By walking around these scaled-down versions, you can gain a new perspective on distances and sizes. It’s a great reminder to reflect on how we use our time here on Earth—like tracking your life in 4k weeks on a poster, helping you visualize the passage of time just as we visualize the planets’ orbits.

  • 4Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
879.73 kB
Credit given to modders
September 16, 2016

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