Metroid Prime HUD

I here am starting this HUD project and releasing WIP version here because i think people might find this hud amazing :)
Right now i've edited a bunch of the basic things.
things im gonna work on surround:
- Crosshair (is in the mod now but still awaiting what people think of it. might undergo change)
- Ship ui
- Weapon UI
- Inventory screen
- and if possible the rest of the hud, but its kinda hard to do for me atm.
i am by no means a good XML editor i am very beginner, the fact that im actually changing things is a wonder xD
there is also a Intro Screen which is actually available right here:
Have Fun using this :D
also please rate and leave a comment ;)
p.s. this mod does not work together with other mods that change any of the same hud textures.
made a github for the people who care what im doing and maybe suggest things :D
drag the .pak file from the zip file to Steam/steamapps/common/No Man's Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS and youre done.
- Added Crosshairs
- Removed Varia Suit Icon and ship icon
- Made shield icon hidden
- Moved the Healthicons to the left to line up with the energy bar
- Fixed texture in ship tech upgrades
- First health icon does not show. (still trying to figure this one out the hidden shield icon still overlaps the healthicons even though hidden)
- Initial WIP Release
- Added Healthbar/Shieldbar icons
- Added Pirates and Sentinels warning message
- Added Sentinel wanted level icons
- Added new word found message
thnkss for share