Mined Resources Bonus + Mining Speed Bonus

Stop grinding materials with the mining laser!
Optical Drill Resources Mined = +500%
Advanced Mining Laser Mining Speed = +99% (keeps me honest below 100% :D )
Optical Drill Resources Mined = +1,500%
Advanced Mining Laser Mining Speed = +99% (keeps me honest below 100% :D )
Optical Drill Resources Mined = +5,000%
Advanced Mining Laser Mining Speed = +700% (this stat doesn't do anything, but it shows Advanced Mining Laser speed is a 700% bonus...so there's that)
Changed heat property to mine in single click
MiningMaxExtreme.pak (CAUSES SLIGHT/MONENTARY FRAME DROP WHEN LASER IS USED, but you only have to fire for a second and after the materials are gather everything is fine)
Optical Drill Resources Mined = +49,9000%
Advanced Mining Laser Mining Speed = -49,900% (Still doesn't do anything LOL)
Changed heat property to mine in single click
(Located inside 'No Man's Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/NMSARC.515F1D3.pak')
Extract 'MiningBonus.pak' AND 'MiningBonus500.pak' AND 'MiningExtreme.pak' AND 'MiningMaxExtreme.pak' from downloaded RAR file
Use ONLY one .pak!
Place the 'MiningBonus.pak' OR 'MiningBonus500.pak' OR 'MiningExtreme.pak' OR 'MiningMaxExtreme.pak' in the 'No Man's Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS' folder. Create the 'MODS' folder if it does not exist. Delete/Rename/Move the 'DISABLEMODS.TXT' in the PCBANKS folder to enable MODS
v1.2 (6-Sep-19):
Added MiningExtreme.pak
v1.3 (6-Sep-19):
Added MiningMaxExtreme.pak
v1.4 (6-Sep-19)
Made MiningExtreme.pak to mine in single click
v1.5 (6-Sep-19)
Made MiningBonus500.pak for slower mining
This blog post was well-written. Thank you for the enjoyable read! Solar