[Next] Expanded Color Palettes
Took the Expanded Color Palettes mod by ignacio/codenameawesome and updated it to Next
Original is here https://videogamemods.com/nomanssky/mods/expanded-color-palettes/
Vanilla No Man's Sky has a predefined color palette for each biome. This mod creates a few crossovers between color palettes and biomes that look pretty great. For example, a Scorched palette on a Lush biome makes it look like an autumn planet (see screenshot).
Changes include:
Lush planets: can now spawn with Frozen, Scorched, Toxic, Radioactive, Barren and Dead color palettes.
Toxic planets: can now spawn with Radioactive and Scorched palettes
Scorched planets: can now spawn with Barren and Dead palettes.
Radioactive planets: can now spawn with Toxic and Scorched palettes.
Frozen planets: can now spawn with Lush palettes.
Barren planets: can now spawn with the Dead palette.
Dead planets: can now spawn with Barren, Frozen and Scorched palettes.
1. Put _ExpandedPalettes.pak in your mods folderĀ (No Mans Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS).
2. Delete DISABLEMODS.txt in the PCBANKS folder.