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NMS Modspace

Please ensure that you have the latest NET Framework installed if you encounter any issues.

NMS Modspace is a tool which I made to (hopefully) speed up the production of mods. It uses the MBINCompiler and the PSARC Decompile Tool so credits to their respective developers.

Everything in the workspace portion of the screen (the large box in the middle) is what will be included in your mod. You can extract data from No Man's Skys' files by simplying giving the program the location of your PCBANKS folder and then right clicking them and extracting them using the NMS Modspace tool. If you would like to modify any MBIN tools you can do so by right clicking them and decompiling them from the main workspace. Then you can modify them. If you would like to compile them again, right click them in the lower right panel and press compile.

When you build, it will build your mod to the specified location (excluding any .exml files). Only certain .mbin files can be decompiled. See the MBINCompiler GitHub page for more information.

Please note this tool is still in alpha. If you find and bugs please comment below so I can assist you.

If you happen to clear your workspace on accident, contact me as soon as you can and I may be able to help you get your files back.

Just unpack it and run NMS Modspace.exe

1.0 - Base version.

1.1 - Fixed a few bugs. Added a button to clear the workspace. Included an updated version of MBINCompiler.

1.2 - Fixed a few bugs. Added a button to compile everything. Added an overwrite notification when overwriting your old mod.

1.3 - Added the option to extract data banks to external folders.

1.4 - Renamed "mbin.exe" to "MBINCompiler.exe." Fixed a few bugs. Added two settings. Ability to exclude files from being built (can be viewed from the exclusion window).

1.5 - Fixed a few bugs. Included the latest version of MBINCompiler.

Alex Guest
  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
320.36 kB
Credit given to modders
Alexander Guest
February 19, 2019


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Alex Guest
  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
320.36 kB
Credit given to modders
Alexander Guest
February 19, 2019

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