No Man’s SaveGame Manager

Source code available on bitbucket:
No Man's SaveGame Manager is a tool that runs in the background and will create backup copies of every savegame file that No Man's Sky creates.
The motivation is to provide the ability to:
- Be able to restore an older version in case your recent saves are all corrupted
- Restore an older version of a savegame in case all recent saves are somehow problematic (e.g. you fell through the ground or are inside a building with a closed door and cannot get out)
Contact: In case you want to contact me for feedback, bug reports or suggestions chose one of the following ways:
Compiled binaries are not available any more. Please follow the link to obtain the source and build the toll yourself using a visual studio version of 2015 or newer. The free community edition will work. (Released 29.08.2016)
- [FIX] Savegames could not be restored if the savegame profile folder did not contain a previous save (Released 24.08.2016)
- [NEW] Save restore functionality is now implemented. Including implementation to restore while NMS is running!
- [NEW] When a savegame is restored the savegame that is about to be overwritten is autosaved to the database
- [FIX] Changelog was sometimes not displayed correctly after version upgrades (Released 22.08.2016)
- [FIX] Potential fix/workaround for a situation where savegame could not be written to the database because the NMS process still had a lock on a file
- [FIX] "on Hold" state was not correctly saved to database
- Minor style/dialog improvements (Released 21.08.2016)
- [NEW] NMSGM now attempts to start the watcher as soon as the program starts (can be disabled through settings)
- [NEW] Make sure NMSGM cannot be opened more than once at the same time
- [NEW] Savegame path can now be clicked to open the savegame location
- [FIX] Prevent Windows from being accidently resized
- [FIX] Date of last save is now displayed from database if no save was created yet during current session
- General improvements, optimizations and fixes (Released 20.08.2016)
- First public beta release