OUTDATED: Annoyance Killer

Introducing Annoyance Killer for No Man's Sky Atlas Rises 1.33 (now modular!)
I find No Man's Sky to be a beautiful, yet sometimes very noisy game. When on a planet, the creatures howl, scream and screech to no end. When flying in your ship, the ships computer has all sorts of beeps, boops, pings and pongs that makes it sound more like a pinball machine than a spaceship. When exploring a planet, the never ending flybys of NPC ships overhead, no matter how desolate the planet. This mod fixes all of that.
What does it change?
- Animals no longer howl and drive you insane. They are quiet unless approached.
- Ship computer ambient sounds have been silenced. No more beeps and boops to allow you enjoy space in peace.
- No more NPC ships flying overhead while on planets.
- Silences some of the NPC ship engine sounds so that your eardrums don't die every time an NPC lands in a station or freighter.
- Kills the "tooltip" chirp sound for the tips that appear at the bottom right corner of the HUD.
- Silences the soul destroying warp-in sounds that freighters make when warping into a system.
No more units received voice over.Looks like I messed this one up and the sound still plays. Will take a look and update.
Please let me know if you find any problems with this mod. Thanks!
If you have my other mod, "Silence Tip Chirp sound", please uninstall. This mod already includes it and will conflict.
By request, I've made this mod modular, here's what the options are:
- AnnoyanceKiller_NoCreatureHowling - disables the animals on a planet from howling all over the place
- AnnoyanceKiller_NoShipFlyby - disables ships flying overhead while on planets
- AnnoyanceKiller_NoOtherAnnoyingSounds - disables the other sounds I outlined above
- Copy your chosen AnnoyanceKillers into MODS folder
- Launch NMS
- Enjoy the peace and quiet
1.1 - Updated to include optional files.
1.0 - Initial release for 1.33