Personal Shield Generator

Personal Shield Generator by Mjjstral (contact: @Mjjstral#1157 on discord)
Quick action menu toggleable shield that protects from any damages (bullets, lasers, ...) and hazards (toxic, radioactive, heat, cold, underwater) within the shield. You can also assign a hotkey for the shield activation.
- Optional versions:
- Creature distractor shield emitter extra effect (creatures run away)
- Creature attractor shield emitter extra effect (all creatures like and approach you).
- VR version: Comes with the old activation method - above head toggle.
If you like the hard work on my tools and mods you can show your appreciation: Donation or via Nexus
This mod affects:
1. Delete old versions of the mod if necessary.
2. Extract the zip file.
3. Copy ONE of the extracted pak files.
4. Paste it in your MODS folder (No Mans Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS).
5. Delete DISABLEMODS.txt in the PCBANKS folder, or rename it to ENABLEMODS.txt
Version 1.1
- New activation method: Shield can now be toggled via player gesture/emote quick action menu !
- Assign a hotkey for your shield.
- Player is now protected from any damages within the shield (projectiles, lasers, fall damage, ....
- New sound, particle and camera shake and player gesture effects when toggling.
- Fixed terrain gun not useable bug.
- Optional version:
- Creature distractor shield emitter extra effect (creatures run away)
- Creature attractor shield emitter extra effect (all creatures like and approach you).
- VR version: Comes with the old activation method - above head toggle.
Version 1.01
- Fixed shield activation being a crime for sentinels.
Version 1.0
Personal bubble shield.
- Toggleable above player (look up and press E).
- Protection from all hazards