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-About this mod:

This mod allows you to change the appearance of all the ships, including your actual ship, to any of the four available player ship classes.

It does not require a new game, and it does not modify the real ship classes that are stored in your savegame files, or the ones in the game files, it only changes the look in game.

It is Strictly an esthetic mod.

-How to use:

Once the mod is installed, load your game and you are good to go! Your ship will already have its appearance changed, including the starting ship if you are still using it!

When visiting the space stations (the best place), or trade posts; any place where ships land, all the ships will have the chosen class's general appearance; with random ship parts of that class.

Important: Every system has a random maximum ammount of ships that can spawn in it (from 2-3 up to who knows; maybe 6 or more), so to spawn new ones; go to the next system and ships with new random parts will appear.

Check the forum thread for info about the mod's progress:


Simply place one and ONLY one of the four files included in this archive, into your "GAMEDATA->PCBANKS" folder, located in your No Man's Sky installation folder (where all the other "PAK" files are).

_MaD_Dropships.pak Changes the appearance of all the ships to Dropships (cargo ships).
_MaD_Fighters.pak Changes the appearance of all the ships to Fighter ships.
_MaD_Scientific.pak Changes the appearance of all the ships to Scientific ships.
_MaD_Shuttle.pak Changes the appearance of all the ships to Shuttles (flat looking ships).

You can easily swap the files if you want to change the appearance by simply removing the file you placed, and replacing it by another one in that directory; then restart the game for the ships to have the new appearance, including your ship.


Simply delete the file you added from your "GAMEDATA->PCBANKS" folder, and all the ships will revert to their real class appearances, including your ship.

Version 1.0


  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
32.01 kB
Credit given to modders
August 21, 2016


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  1. This mod sounds fantastic for customizing ship appearances! It’s great that it’s purely aesthetic and doesn’t alter the core game files. If you’re searching for more mods like this or looking for tips on how to optimize your gaming experience, using the best search engine can really streamline your search and lead you to the most reliable resources. Happy modding!

  2. Video game mod is the change and editing of the original content of the game to create a new experience. Mod brings more unique and interesting graphics, gameplay and story to players. I often search on Google for similar games, very fun to play

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
32.01 kB
Credit given to modders
August 21, 2016

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