Storm Hammer

This is a recreation of the beloved SpinFusor, Disc Launcher, Storm Hammer from the Tribes Series.
This mod makes the Base Grenade launcher projectile a linear projectile (Removes Arc).
1. Extract contents of RAR file to desired location
2. Drag _ATaXiA.StormHammer.X.pak into your "No Mans Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS" folder
3. Remove or rename DISABLEMODS.txt in PCBANKS folder
To Update remove old file version and replace with newest version. Use only ONE Version
*NOTICE* Will conflict with any other mod that modifies "PROJECTILETABLE.MBIN"
Version 1.0 - Initial Release
Removed Arc from grenade projectile
Increased Damage
Increased Velocity
Reduced Gravity
Increased Explosion Radius
Adjusted Visuals to Mimic Original Disc Launcher