TLOZ Heart Icon
Hello for all! :)
This is my first mod, and i made this mod for The legend of zelda fans.
This is a simple mod that replaces the original land & ship heart icons for the iconic TLOZ heart container.
Has two versions: one with original colors and other with a white color.
Can have a confict with mods that modify the hud.
I hope you all like, and any type of suggestion will be appreciated! :)
To install, copy and paste the .pak to (yoursteamcommondirectory)/No Man's Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS.
To uninstall, delete it from the same folder.
1.2.1 - Added COOL White theme to fit with game color scheme. Check it!
1.2 - Icons redimensioned to fit HUD and resolution upscaled to 512x512 to improve quality (BFV)
1.1 - Icon resolution upscaled to 256x256 to improve quality, screenshots update
1.0 - Initial Release
(BFV - Base Final Version)