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GeoNMS RU Font

I was always a little sad about the fact that standard GeoNMS font was stylised only in latin part, and cyrillic one was untouched. Time to change this and give RU version more “NMS-style”, at least for the Travellers who prefer so. 🙂
This is a tiny mod to cyrillic part. For now I just removed horizontal line in “A”, but it’s only beginning. I’ll make more when I learn better how to draw fonts (completely new thing for me).

This mod changes only GAMEFONT2.TTF file.

It looks like HG is not gonna change anything in fonts (because why?), so this mod probably would be compatible with any version. If you’ll see any incompability issues, feel free to let me know.

Classic UI Font

Changes all text displayed through the game’s interface to the No Man’s Sky font, resulting in a UI that more closely resembles what we saw in early previews.

This is based on etechucacuca’s font mod here. I modified the font to only display in upper case letters, and also slightly emboldened the characters to improve legibility.

I recommend using this with No Black Bars and Short Tech Names.

SegoeUI Regular Font Replacer

Segoe UI Regular Font Replacer

Replaces all fonts in the game with SegoeUI Regular, just because it’s my favourite font and I use it often when making websites.
I tried the light and semilight version but they all seem to give the same result.

I have also no idea if this will work with special characters. If it doesn’t, let me know and I can try fix it.


Thanks to:

Overwatch Font Pack – This mod helped me figure out the folder structure/filenames that made this mod possible.

PSARC Decompile Tool – Without this, extracting and creating .pak archives would be impossible. Nice tutorial video as well, go check it out.


The excellent mods that I use in my screenshots:

Simple Elements 3

Simple Tech

Better Products

NMS – Star Trek Font replacer

—What this mod does:

It replace the “GAMEFONT2.TTF” with a Star Trek like Font.

The mod works for Foundation Update, Pathfinder Updat, Atlas Rises  and NEXT


!!!!You may have problems, with languages that have non-latin-characters!!!

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 

Sehr geil! Hab’ ich auch schon unendlich-lange drinn.” – Elca



For any feedback, questions or bug-reports contact: [email protected]

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