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Clean HUD and roomscale VR

Removes all ‘on-your-face’ HUD. Keeps vision clean, without disabling vital game-world UI. Contains a number of other tweaks, effectively enabling roomscale play in VR. Geared toward VR but non-VR players can also benefit. Significantly improves VR immersion.


See NexusMods for detailed information


This mod is geared toward VR players. It includes a lot of tweaks, mainly to UI, with the end result being that there is ZERO information ‘attached to your face’ in VR, giving you a beautiful, clear view of the worlds around you. Essential game-world information is all still there, allowing you to play as normal – complete missions, travel to markers, see what items you’ve picked up or words you learn, etc.

Personally, I think this mod is highly impactful in VR, I love it. New players might find it makes the game a little too challenging/confusing because of the reduced HUD information.

This mod enables room scale play in VR! You can physically turn and walk around your room freely, using this mod!

There are currently 3 variations to this mod. 
1. hilightnotes_cleanHUD_VR (customjetpack) —RECOMMENDED
2. hilightnotes_cleanHUD_VR (no_customjetpack)
3. hilightnotes_cleanHUD

There are 2 alternative files for those with specific needs
1. cleanHUD_modular
2. disableVRwarning_standalone


See my guide for optimizing No Man’s Sky for VR, here:


Special thanks:

Lo2k. I adapted their mod,, to remove a few space icons, as well as using their blank texture to help me remove other textures.

gregkwaste. Provided big help removing the stray exhaust model that was accidentally left in VR.

Devilin Pixy. Provided big help removing the HUD arrow icons that track buildings outside of your vision.


See NexusMods for detailed information

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