New SPECTRE styles
updated october '21, working again, now with bakkes/acplugin
Very glad to finally present you some new styles of the SPECTRE BlackMarket universal decal!
When downloading this mod you will get:
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Have a nice day!
0. Download/install winrar/winzip/7zip or any other un/packign app.
1. Download/install BakkesMod and the AlphaConsole plugin
2. Open bakkesmod, hover over “File”, then click on “Open BakkesMod folder”
3. Open the “Data” folder
4. Open the “acplugin” folder
5. Open the related mod folder.
--> For Decals into DecalTextures
--> For BallSkins into BallTextures
6. Extract the .rar/.zip file there:
7. Start RL
8. Open AlphaConsole Plugin by pressing “F5”
9. Now select, if required, the needed item/decal/wheel.
You can either do this with the bakkes item mod (F2) or equipping it from your own inventory.
Use the item mod to select decal accent colors aswell as custom team and decal colors!
If you want to use the decals in replays aswell, make sure to download and install the Replaymanipulator plugin.
More info can be found on the plugin website.