Octane – Fireworks Decal W/ Painted Variants!
I decided to make one final decal to end the year. I've included only 3 paint variants but if you're looking for a specific colour feel free to request it from the sources down below!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!
-Standard injection through uMod.
-Unzip using 7zip
If you want to use this with Alpha Console copy the "Shiny" folder to this location after extracting the uMod & AC.7z file
SteamLibrary > Steamapps > common > rocketleague > Binaries > Win32 > AlphaConsole > resources > app.asar.unpacked > textures
If you have any queries feel free to reach me over at the RL Insider/RL Skins Wiki Discord or through my Discord tag ≈Shiny✩Waffles#7108