Red Rose – Fennec Decal

A commission for Curryw9rst.
Custom decal installation Guide by Drome
1. Install Bakkesmod.
2. Install Alphaconsole plugin for Bakkesmod. Bakkesmod and Rocket League must be running for the plugin to install.
3. Download the .rar file.
4. Open the Explorer. You can either search for the app or use the shortcut Windows + E.
5. Go to Downloaded Files in the Explorer.
6. Copy the .rar file after downloading it.
7. Go to the file directory %AppData%/Roaming/bakkesmod/bakkesmod/data/acplugin/DecalTextures in the Explorer. You can do this by klicking on the textbox high up in the middle of the Explorer and paste the file directory. You can also open Bakkesmod, click on the File column and click on Open Bakkesmod folder and then open the folders data, then acplugin, and then DecalTextures.
8. Create a new folder inside the folder you came to which should be DecalTextures. OBS! If there already are files inside the folder that are called something like "Hyperbeast" then you should also create a folder for this decal and then move all the files that were there before to the folder you just created.
9. Go to the folder you created for the downloaded files.
10. Paste the .rar file you downloaded. Right-click the file and click Export to F1 Pack.
11. Start Bakkesmod and Rocket League.
12. Click the F5 button. This should open up the Alphaconsole plugin menu. OBS! If this doesn't work, try opening it in the plugin tab in the Bakkesmod menu. If that doesn't work, try binding a key to open the menu. To do this you press the F6 button which opens the console, then type in: bind "whatever keyboard button you want" togglemenu ac_main
13. Go to the Cosmetics tab in the Alphaconsole plugin menu.
14. Find the Decal Texture Mod selection and select one of the decals.
15. Open the bakkesmod menu and go to the items tab.
16. Select this specific decal - Fennec: Complexity (Away) (2) OBS. THIS IS A MUST FOR THE CUSTOM DECAL TO WORK.
If you have any issues, contact me on Discord: drome
the decal is cool but isn’t working, please fix
Make sure you installed it correctly.
not functional, please fix this