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Spy x Family Octane Decal

Octane Decal of Spy x Family. (For it to work after you download it save the .txt file as a .JSON and you are good to go) Hope ye enjoy! (If you are having trouble finding the .JSON file type you can open the .txt or text document in notepad press file > save as > and then in the file name bar you can add .JSON to the end of it and it and press save, and it should save as a .JSON             So the file name before you hit the save button should look something like this, "SpyXFamily Octane.JSON". after you hit save you should then have two texts files, one, a .JSON and then the original .txt        if you have the .JSON you can delete the .txt, and all you have to do is put all the items that came out of the zipped folder into a new folder in the bakkes mod custom decal folder and you should be good to go. Hope this helps!

  • 11uploads
File size
2.98 MB
September 19, 2022


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  1. tunacetin says:

    i dont know how can i use it can someone help me

    1. Carpp says:

      you have bakkes mod and the alpha console plugin right?

      1. Carpp says:

        if you have those installed after you download this it should all be in a folder. Then when you open bakkes mod and the little window pops up you can click file> open bakkes mod file location> data> ac plugin > decal textures then drag the folder from this download into that. Then when you load the game up and hit F5 the alpha console window should pop up click the cosmetics tab on the top of it and scroll till you see the custom decal popdown and select it in there

        1. Carpp says:

          but before that there is a text document that you have to change from a .txt file to a .JSON to do that you just open it up and then do file> save as> then in the save as type bar select .JSON > save and you should be good

          1. Carpp says:

            If i didnt explain it well enough there are good youtube videos out there that shows you how to download everything and set it up. Hope I helped!

    1. Carpp says:

      you opened the .txt file in notepad and saved it as a .json? For whatever reason I cant upload the file as a .json but can only upload it as a .txt, however it needs to be a .JSON file to work.

  2. loidy says:

    i dont work i even put the text file in a .json

    1. Carpp says:

      You have the file unzipped and in the bakkes mod custom decal folder as well? if the .txt document was changed to .JSON and it is all in that folder then i’m not sure what else it could be.

  3. Cheerydian says:

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  • 11uploads
File size
2.98 MB
September 19, 2022

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