Wolves “Official” Esports decal

So i heard about the new wolves roster and i decided to pull out the wolves decal again for one last time and finally release it (lol)
1. Firstly you'll want to install alphaconsole which is a bakkesmod plugin, im assuming you already have bakkesmod installed https://bakkesplugins.com/plugins/view/108 click the "Install with BakkesMod" you should get pop up
2. You want to download the decal from the google drive link once you have it downloaded you should have a .zip file on your computer you want to open it then inside it you'll see a wolves folder
3. You want to copy the wolves folder after that, type in your search bar "%appdata% and open that, you should see alot of folders but you want to open the one called "bakkesmod"
4. click on bakkesmod folder again then go to data to acplugin and finally DecalTextures, you should be able to paste the decal inside that folder
5. launch rocket league, press f5 select orange and blue decals and click Wolves Decal and there you go :)
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