My Expectations for Future DLCs and Mods in Sparking Zero
I'm sharing my expectations for characters that I believe could be added to the roster of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero through DLC or mods. Feel free to add your comments to complete the list!
1. High Probability of Appearance (DLCor future update):
- Vegeta GT
- Gohan Beast
- Piccolo Power Awakening
- Piccolo Orange
- Gamma 1 & Gamma 2
- Vegeta Blue Evolved
- Vegeta Ultra Ego
- Goku UI (Ultra Instinct) all forms
- Gohan Super Hero
- Piccolo Super Hero
- Black Frieza
- Broly Super (Base Form)
- Teen Trunks (Super)
- Teen Goten (Super)
- Super C-17
- Champa
- Vados
- Pan (Super Hero)
- Paragus Super
- Great Saiyaman 2 (Videl)
- Super Buu (Piccolo Absorbed)
- Ribrianne (Base Form)
- Moro (all forms)
- Merus (all forms)
- Granolah (all forms)
- Gas (all forms)
- Jaco
2. Medium Probability of Appearance (DLC or future update):
- Frost (all forms)
- Pikkon
- Goku UI Giant
- Goku & Vegeta (Super Broly Movie outfit)
- Cheelai
- Teen Trunks (Super Hero)
- Teen Goten (Super Hero)
- Android 21 (all forms)
- Zeno
- Grand Priest
- Monaka
- Grand Supreme Kai
3. Low Probability of Appearance (Mods):
- Young Nappa
- Young Vegeta
- Young Raditz
- Young Chi-Chi
- Young Goku (GT)
- Tao (Cyborg)
- Mecha Tao
- Android 8
- Kaio Shin
- Krillin (Police outfit)
- Android 5
- Android 14
- Android 15
- Bido
- Zangya
- Bujin
- Mighty Mask
- Botamo
- Ribrianne
- Garlic Jr.
- Hatchiyack
- Ledgic
- Tambourine
- Gotenks Teen (Super Hero)
- Oceanus Shenron
- Naturon Shenron
- Haze Shenron
- Tagoma
- Pui Pui
- Yakon
- Ninja Murasaki
- General Blue
- Android 4
- Android 5
- Ox-King
- Tupper
- Cocotte
- Vewon
- Shu
- Pilaf
4. Very Low Probability of Appearance (Mods only):
- Goku UI (Giant)
- Gokule (Goku & Hercule Fusion)
- Super Buu (Frieza Absorbed, Cell Absorbed, Vegeta Absorbed)
- Bulla (GT)
- Magenta (Super Hero)
- Kaio Shin (fused with Kibito)
- Adult Gotenks
- Failed Fusions (Gogeta/Gotenks Big and Thin)
- Tiencha (Tien & Yamcha Fusion)
- Demon Piccolo (Old and Young forms)
- Broly Z (SSJ3)
- Vegeta SSJ3
- Celiin (Cell and Krillin Fusion)
- Super Buu (Tien & Yamcha Absorbed)
- Tora, Fasha, Shugesh, Borgos (Bardock's Crew)
- Gogeta GT -> Super Saiyan 1 -> Super Saiyan 4
- Metal Cooler (Giant)
- General Rilldo
- Baby
- Shallot