Map Boundaries Remover (MBR)

This mod remove all invisible walls in every single game mode of the game !
The mod also prevents players from falling indefinitely (for example in the void of the tournament of power)
The mod should works with LFSE (Let's fight somewhere else from Sora) and the extra maps !
Tutorial for the mod loader and the installation of mods from CleverEagle (You do not need Unverum, you can still do it manually) :
If this mod is the only mod that don't work in your modpack, then change the language of the game back to your default language, it's seems to be a issue with the mod loader, it's not fixed for the moment from what I understood
- Big thanks to Sora101Ven for his help in the creation of this mod
- Thanks to TheDunkMaster for trying the mod and helping to debug it
- Thanks to Leosiris for trying the mod and helping to debug the loading bug
- Thanks to Andre-Aless for trying the mod and helping to debug the loading bug
- Thanks to Mastalko for telling me about the loading bug and how it affects other mods too
Take the folder in the rar and move it to the "Mods" folder in SteamLibrarysteamappscommonDRAGON BALL Sparking! ZEROSparkingZEROMods If you don't have that folder and you only got "Content" and "Binaries" then please follow the youtube tutorial to install the new mod loader
If the game crash, be sure to not have ue4ss files, ue4ss is the old mod loader, but you still need to have the signature bypass
Update 1.2:
-Characters now recover directly in air, they don't fall on a invisible surface anymore -The auto recover which prevent infinite fall is now faster-The mod now works in custom battle -Removed the message that appear at the start of the game Have fun !