Uploader – Index Arthakhan Message 6Mods 0Followers 3710Mods Score Mods Arthakhan Arthakhan's Mods [Skill]: Super Vegeta 5 [My version] Arthakhan 6Mods 0Followers February 28, 2018 1493 6487 [Skill]: Super Vegeta 4 Tail Fixed[My version] Arthakhan 6Mods 0Followers February 26, 2018 721 4190 [Skill]: Super Vegeta 4 [My version] Arthakhan 6Mods 0Followers February 23, 2018 322 3352 [Skill]: Super Vegeta 3 [My version] Arthakhan 6Mods 0Followers February 22, 2018 318 3634 New skills: Now as Unlock Potential can turn into SSJ 1-2-3 (SYM) Arthakhan 6Mods 0Followers February 21, 2018 305 4260 New skills: Unlock Potential with Kaioken (HUM) and Unlock Potential with SSJ 1-2 (SYM) Arthakhan 6Mods 0Followers February 20, 2018 551 8450 1