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*1.1 UPDATE!!* Custom PQ: Radiant Omnipotence Z/S


See rar files for full patch notes!! Hope you enjoy!!

Hello everyone! Today i bring you one of my most challenging quests yet!!

You'll find that there are two different versions of this mod Version S and Z.

I specifically designed this PQ for those who want hone their skills and become better at fighting!

If you all like this PQ and it gets well enough feedback i may make similar ones for other characters such as Vegeta, Frieza, Gohan, Piccolo, etc.

Also this is a 1v1 ONLY if you try bringing allies they unfortunately will be bound to the sidelines!

Now let me explain the core differences between the two versions:


As always with my PQ's you get 60k base hp no matter what your hp value currently is, and you get a slight dmg buff!

Version Z is challenging in its own right however if you're a more casual player i would highly recommend you stick this one.

Version S is VERY CHALLENGING i would only recommend people who are VERY experienced at fighting high difficulty enemies also to those who want to get better at it!!


I would also like to mention attached up above is a video link to me completing both versions with vanilla skills incase you would like to see how i did it!

Also i included 5 NEW original artworks (#446-#451)

Also a special shoutout to two awesome people!


WardenPlays for beta testing and design choices!


Unleashed for the UI sign/MUI Goku skills and character


If you decide to try it out and have any problems or experience any bugs please feel free to let me know!! Also feedback is welcome and appreciated!!

install Z and S in XV2ins

See rar files for full list of patch notes

  • 8Mods
  • 7Followers

File size
90.23 MB
Credit given to modders
Unleashed, WardenPlays
August 24, 2023


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  1. First off I would like to say thank you for making this PQ it was a lot of fun and challenging and I like the concept of the missions. Hopefully, we can see a Vegta version someday. But we got to talk about that health total…Goku with a lot of Health plus super armor is too much. I believe his health should increase per fight instead of having a tremendous amount per stage but that is my opinion.

  2. I like the concept of the missions though it feels like the defensive buffs they get make it too long. Plus the armor on supers makes certain moves a flat out death sentence. I was pleasantly surprised seeing SSJ4 come up but the defensive buff added with the insane health makes the fight feel repetitive. Most of the fight I was waiting for the AI to use an ultimate so I could use my own to deal any decent damage. Again really good mission but it just needs a few adjustments

  3. Hey man the stages youve made so far were amazing, Me and my friend spent multiple days trying to beat the apex predator gogeta 4 and the trunks vegito sublime divinity and we finally did and it felt great. If you could make one like this but goku and vegeta or some more where you can play with friends that would be sick.

    1. I love to hear it! Glad i could provide some fun challenging content for you guys!! And currently im working on a quest that is indeed multiplayer that i think will meet your guys’ expectations! Unfortunately it is not Goku & Vegeta themed though i think it will be a good substitute, but my next quest after this one, ill see what i can create for you guys! Also just a little side note that quests like these, that are singleplayer intended are only far and few between, so they wont come out as much as multiplayer! But anyways im so happy to hear you guys are enjoying my quests! If you have anymore feedback/questions feel free to let me know!

  4. hey man now this is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt. i’ve played a few of your custom pqs and this one and i gotta say these are a bit boring and annoying. each of these features 1 or 2 characters with health that just doesnt go down for way too long. you also cant stamina break them when they do they’re ult. pair this with the obnoxious ai and its just a chore to sit through. what i would suggest is lower the period where they are basically invincible and make it possible to stamina break them. i’m not saying this because i hate these pqs. i’ve been wanting some 1v1 pqs exactly like this but the battle mechanics need a bit of adjustment. if you actually read this all then thanks

    1. I would like to start by saying i very much appreciate this type of feedback. Feedback like this is what helps me change the error of my ways and improve my future quests. But anyways, i totally agree with this sentiment. Even in creating my video i thought it was just a taking a bit too long. That being said i justified it in my head by saying it just added to the difficulty, well i mean it does but only artificially. You make a very good claim and i will in the future not use the super armor mechanic AS MUCH but i cant promise that i’ll scrap it all together. In the coming days ill release an update to this PQ with a “Lite version” of it. I’ll keep the original for those who really want to test themselves, but ill create a version of each quest with modified mechanics and HP values, so make sure to be on the look out for that! Again i really would like to thank you for the feedback, it really helps me understand what you guys like while at the same time creating something challenging yet fun!

  5. Managed to clear it after 90 full minutes. SSJ4 Goku had 1 health bar left. Considering the mods I have on my cac I think Goku has way too much health for each stage. Also he likes to spam grabs a LOT.

    1. That depends. I wanna see how well received this quest comes out to be. If it gets enough positive feedback i will make a Vegeta version and maybe even Frieza, Gohan, Piccolo,etc. And if you would like to make your own i highly recommend joining the citadel disocrd! ( they have alot of channels and people in there that can explain how you can do it! Also my good friend Wardenplays has a video explaining it here: (

    2. I may, atm i am just seeing how well this one comes out to be and if it gets well enough feedback i will make other versions of this such as Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, etc. And if you would like to make your own quest i highly recommend checking out my good friend Wardenplays on youtube he made a in depth tutorial on how to make quests, also i would suggest joining the Citadel discord they have tons of resources/people in there that can help you out!

    1. It should install with the S version automatically. If you have unleashed’s MUI goku mod downloaded more sepcifically: ( then you would just need the main PQ to download and it should work fine. However if thats not the issue then the only other fix i can think of is to uninstall and reinstall eternities tools because sometimes they just break lmao. Hope this helps! if not lmk and ill see if i can help you more!

    1. Unfortunately not yet, but i am still working it! rest assured i will figure it out soon, i am sorry for how long its taking, to be frank im not entirely sure myself what the issue is but now that this mod is out and i have some more free time i will definitely get back to work on that ASAP!

  • 8Mods
  • 7Followers

File size
90.23 MB
Credit given to modders
Unleashed, WardenPlays
August 24, 2023

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