[1.17 optimization] Legendary Pack 2 Characters’ unique Skills for CaCs

The following pack contains 6 Skills made for the latest DLC characters, which aren't available for CaCs normally. It also includes a seventh skill exclusive to Saiyans (Hint hint).
Jiren (Full Power)'s Full Power Energy Wave, Power Rush (Camera's a bit iffy when done in the air) and Mighty Explosive Wave.
Gogeta's Punisher Drive
Caulifla's Impulse Slash
Kale's Gigantic Meteor
A 3-stage Transformation based off Base Gogeta's Super Saiyan Skill (30-50% stat boost).
None of the skills are modders' resources, especially the Transformation skill.
XV2INS/Double click each X2M file inside the zip file.
1.0 - Release.
1.01 - Fixed Power Rush Mk-II's camera when landed on the air.
1.11 - Cleaned up to omit files updated in 1.17
I really loved this mod
will you do the other skills? Just curious, since you did these few skills
I did jack besides adapting animations to make dem skillz compatible with CaCs.
I have no reason to backport the skills that are available for CaCs in 1.17
Can you do one of these for Uub’s unique version of Innocent Breath?
Hello how do you manage to be able to play? the xv2Patcher was updated?
No, I backed up my 1.16 game folder before updating.
Hey nice mod bro!!! And can you say me what is the mod for the camera unlock during the transfo cinaematic ? Is in this mod ?
It’s the “Super Saiyan (DBS)” transformation included in the pack. It’s A 3-stage Transformation based off Base Gogeta’s Super Saiyan Skill.