69 Saiyan Transformations All in ONE skill

Dragon Ball History Transformations is one ultra skill that includes tons and i mean TONS of transformations throughout dragon ball that appeared including canon and non-canon forms with some brand new auras. the ones that are shown in the screenshots are barely one third of the transformations you have in this one skill.
however what makes this skill unique is the way transformations are accessed. let's just say the there some directional input shenanigans that are put in place which are really simple to understand. there's text in the mod folder that goes further into details on how the controls work and an aura id list for those who are interested in the auras added by this mod.
there's also a spoiler chart that shows all the available transformations for the mod for those who want to know what is in the mod or what they couldn't find themselves.
Credits Section
Lazybones for new transformations.IME DZ for his DBS Broly Animations , grinns and synx for their animation contributions. 345boneshoss for dyt resources pack
You need to download Lazybones New Transformations (Here) and AbyssWalker's AuraPack (Here) for the Auras to function correctly.
At this Point in time the mod is severely outdated. A major update is in works but it will take a long time to finish due to everything being reworked
Installer and X2M
Updating: Update with installer and X2M but if you're updating from the first version of the mod then Uninstall "Dragon Ball Forms Costumes".
1.0: Initial
You no longer need to clean install just for this one mod
The Skill is Now available for female saiyans as well
Fixed the "Partset Overflow" bug during installation
Fixed the "body id already in use" bug during installation
Fixed the skill not appearing in shop bug
Fixed the eye texture bug
Added a hair change option to the mod installer
Adjusted Super Saiyan 5 and Super Saiyan Rose Evolved Auras
Adjusted Super Saiyan hair colors making them less yellow and more gold
Added a new transformation which is accessed through (While in Super Saiyan 4 Awoken Input + down)
1.75: Major Update 1:
Added the new Super Saiyan 4 Limit Break from SDBH to FullPower Super Saiyan 4 Branch
Added 3 different Aura Options depending on your taste.
Added 3 more different hair change options (only hair).
Adjusted LB like commands so that higher forms are accessed through base state.
Added new Animations and camera's for some forms such as Kefla forms, LSSJ4 and more.
1.751: Bug fixes
Fixed a bug which caused the and SSJ4 and SSG hairs to have the same model for LB hair patches.
Fixed a bug which caused the "Simple Hair change" patch to give infinite load screen.
added a new text for potential questions with answers to them.
1.8: the MOST important update ever
Behaviour 66 can be changed by players now. which means that they can play this with hyper transformable moveset mods or skills.
Added Legendary Super Saiyan 3 which connects the Fury branch to Legendary Super Saiyan 4. (See the Spoiler chart to understand)
Completely remade Super Saiyan 4 Limit Break and Super Saiyan 5 Auras.
Gave Golden Super Saiyan 4 it's own dedicated aura for every patch.
Added proper body glow colors to some kaioken forms.
Adjusted some stats for some forms to balance them more.
1.85: Fixed The LB Hair Patch Crashing. Removed Auras now requires AbyssWalker's Aura Pack for Auras to work Properly. (Uninstall The Previous Version before installing this update)
are the forms supposed to have wrong hair colours? i did everything right….
the mod can no longer be installed currently? it will not be updated in the future? why the creator does not update us how will be the fate of this mod so good?