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A SSB & a SSrage aura.

It's precisely just what the title says; just two barely vanilla-friendly looking auras.

changelog updated


Click to install/uninstall

-added the aura above which has got two versions: vanilla & custom, vanilla doesn't give any blue glow on the character you can see the difference by comparing the gif here and of the same aura in 'description'

Pickles Square
  • 5Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
55.93 MB
Credit given to modders
Lazybones, Azura
November 23, 2024


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  1. “There it is! I’ve been waiting for the blue one!’
    I love it, great work! A like that other version in the changelog too, but if you’re going to update plz add separately. Hey, could you do this with the normal super saiyans too, maybe a pack *_* (: ? Just like you did with the ssb? Hey, there is something that always bothers me in auras, that is the aura doesn’t give a glow. I mean, in the base game the auras gives a special glow to the body (not talking of dits). The ssr for example, it gives a pink glow to the body. I dont know if “glow” is the correct word, im not fluent on inglish. Maybe “tint”.

    1. Well thank you, and about the glow; do you mean the glow around the body or on the body ’cause then it would have to do with the dyt if it’s the latter as far as I know and the one you’re talking about in particular- SSR, the glow is not given by the aura, it’s ’cause of the dyt on Rose Goku Black’s clothes (and you can see it even without the aura), but there is a glowy effect in rose aura but it’s not prominent really, you can see similar effects in blue and blue evolution auras too (I have included it in my SSB aura here).

      1. I’ve been using the vanilla auras from the game for a real good time, and i can confirm that it gives a special glow. Its an effect you add in the eepk organizer. You can ask Deez, i already asked him and he
        knew what was talking about. I can prove to you, do you a have discord?

Pickles Square
  • 5Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
55.93 MB
Credit given to modders
Lazybones, Azura
November 23, 2024

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