Alternate Future Duo
This is Vegeta and Trunks in an alternate timeline where they were the ones that survived the onslaught of the androids. And as an added bonus, I included versions of them from the fight with Zamasu & Goku Black. Which in this timeline, present-day Goku and Vegeta taught them how to access god ki. I opted to give Vegeta his original brownish hair and gave Trunks a more Saiyan-like look.
This is my first public mod so I hope you enjoy. If you encounter any problems, feel free to contact me over on Discord: thealmightyprince17#0890
345bonesshoss for the awesome DYT resources
Revamp Team for the assets used here, make sure to grab that pack btw
Make sure to have Lazybone's New Transformations mod and Azura's Aura Pack installed for this mod to work properly
Install x2m file with XV2 Patcher
1.1 - Public Release
Do your mods have custom movesets??
Can you post the hair you used for trunks?