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Alternate hair skill for Lazybones Transformations 3.3.1

Have you ever wanted to have different hairstyles for two CaCs of the same gender using Lazybones Transformations? Then this is the mod for you!

The purpose of this mod is to allow for you to have any combination of two Male or Female Humans/Saiyans with the same transformations but using different hair files. Gone are the day when you have to have your Human and Saiyan use the same hair for Ultra Instinct, or your two Saiyans of the same gender to have different styles of hair when they transform. Now with this mod addition to the Lazybones Transformation mod you can do this yourself!

These skills will add new skills to the shop for you to buy, each one named the same as their original counterpart with ALT added to the end. With these skills, you can then have a different hairstyle assigned for more variation for your CaCs!

All you have to do is take the hairstyles that you want these new skills to have, rename them to according to your chosen gender and form as well as all the needed eye and forehead files needed, and then you are good to go! To note, you MUST do this before attempting to take these skills into battle, otherwise, you will end up with an infinite loading screen and you must restart your game.

Obviously huge credit to Lazybone who is the original creator of this mod. Without their mod, this one would not exist. Also this mod WILL NOT WORK without having their mod downloaded and installed first, especially since you will likely need to pull at least the forehead and eye files from their mod. :

All the hair models shown in the screenshots are NOT INCLUDED. These are from various other mods such as Pathos SS3 hair pack, Tellus SS Hair Female, NieOrginalny Fire Emblem hair packs for the ones I know of right now. If you want any of those mods they are all available here on VGM and all well worth your download!

Please refer to the readme for more information, and if there is any problem, feel free to comment here or tag me on the citadel discord and ill be happy to help!

use XV2Installer and add the hairstyles as listed in the readme.

1.0 Added skills to the pack to allow for different hair styles for different CaCs

Professor Mor
  • 3Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
196.45 kB
October 16, 2022


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  1. SO! There are some issues and I would like to say what they are. First off there is no reason in changing your eye files before you make the SY_ files. It doesnt do anything at all. Secondly, all transformations work correctly except super saiyan 4 for whatever reason. Super vegeta 4 works, but not ssj4. I even tried renaming the super vegeta 4 file to the base ssj4 file and that didnt work. Lastly this is a HASSLE! I had to personally rename over 200+ files for every transformation, which is doable, but very painful. What else… oh yeah, I cant figure out why super vegeta 4 works and not ssj4, I originally thought that the problem was because I didnt make a super vegeta 4 transformation because I hadnt planned on using it, but that did absolutely nothing at all. SO, if you want a ssj4 transformation, then you need to use super vegeta 4 and not the original, which kinda ruins like 2 or 3 skils.

    1. Also I couldnt figure out how to change the eyes for my character. Everything else works fine besides not being able to change your eye shape and ssj4. This mod has an amazing concept but just fails to deliver where it matters. If you like the base eyes on lazybones transformation, then this is the mod for you. The hairs change, but I just cant deal with those ugly eyes and ssj4 not working. Hopefully this mod gets an update in the future.

  2. I think some of the alt skills are reading things incorrectly. For example, Super Vegeta 3 ALT will not read the SSJ1 and 2 eyes that i have put in the mod, but when i go SSJ3 it reads the 1 and 2 eyes i installed instead of the SSJ3 eyes installed. With Super Vegeta 4 ALT, it DOES read the SSJ3 eyes, but not the SSJ1-2 eyes. Same thing with God and Blue. It does not read the eyes i have set up for them despite inserting them into the SYF folder. With the 1-2-3-God-Blue ALT skill, its just an infinite loading screen. So, I think these skills seem to be reading the wrong files.

    I hope you’ll see this and fix this issue quickly.

  3. So, to put this all together, what this mod does is instead of the base lazybones skills using the HUM/HUF folders for hairs, the ALT skills take from the SYF/SYM folders for hairs and eyes instead? Just wanna clear things up first.

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  5. I’m running into a problem when it comes to SSJ3 and SSJ4. I just want to leave them the same as Lazybone’s version, so I just copied the required HUM files and changed them into SYM files. This is the error I that I found on the log file “SYM_000_Face_base.emb, File is neither in cpk nor in filesystem.” The problem is, I can’t find any XXX_000_Face_base.emb anywhere.

    1. So that is likley a hole in my instructions and I apologize, in the next version Ill make it clearer. Because this makes use of the SYX folders when normally those dont have anything, you must take the files from the respective HUX folder and rename it to the SYX of your choice.

  6. I would like to download this mod but it doesn’t work for me, I did what you said but it keeps loading at the start of the battle, I don’t know if there is a way for you to explain it better, I don’t know if it’s because of the new transforms mod update

  7. hey am having a tuff time with this mod i have modded before but never had to re-write a code what do you mean with like the eyes and face and what not if there is one could someone link a video or send that way like do i have to change the HUM files or the SYM files

  8. So I’ve renamed everything and placed everything into the SYM folder and I’m getting an infinite loading screen. I’ve double checked to make sure I have all of the hairstyles for every transformation and the eyes and forehead. Any ideas on what the problem could be?

    1. Did you also make sure to have the .dyt files for those all those things as well? I think there’s also a HUM_000_Face_base.emb file that might be needed as well for it to work.
      I’d try using the xv2 patcher to pinpoint the problem.

  9. Sorry to bother you, but Im running into an issue when installing the mod. It keeps saying bool__cdecl X2mFile::InstallCostumePartSets(void): Overflow, cannot assign suitable(s) partsets(s) id(s). Ive tried a bunch of things but they dont seem to be installing. Do you know why this is happening? Thank you.

    1. I personally dont know how to setup installers as I am still rather new to making mods and transformations are all I really know how to do right now. I also am hesitant to include the files as to not step on LBs toes since this is just a reuse of his mod directly.

  10. ok, even after reading the readme, i still don’t understand, the alts hair, eye and forehead has to be named “” after putting the ids, I have to put this in the SYF/SYM folder and not the HUF/HUM, right?

    I know it’s a dumb question because it’s impossible to have two identical names in the folder.

    1. sorry, the readme mightve had the information from before I added the eyes and forehead to the neccicary steps. You want the hair to be named SYM_hair, the eyes to be SYM_eyes, and forehead to be SYM_face_forehead. All you need to change with them is the first HUM/HUF to SYM/SYF and have it in the correct code

      1. ah yes thank you, I ended up making a mistake, when I referred to it was just the way to write the file name as an example because I already knew the name of the forehead and eyes files, my question was just about where I would put these renamed files

        so i guess my question was kinda dumb because i thought the SYM/SYF files would go to the HUM/HUF folder

Professor Mor
  • 3Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
196.45 kB
October 16, 2022

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