Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate)

NOTE: Those of you who rated low due to misleading screenshots being uploaded and me not noticing for a few days, I hope the 22 of you will reconsider your ratings now that this has been corrected and the correct screenshots have been uploaded. I am so sorry this happened, I uploaded at my school, which blocks the website and most VPNs, so due to their awful Wi-Fi being tunneled through Psiphon, making it even slower, the upload glitched. Again, I am so sorry to anyone who thought this was a trash/spam post. Features two presets and four custom skills. Preset 1 is the black suit from when Integra resurrected him and Preset 2 is his normal clothes without the glasses or hat. The skills are also available for CaC's but are only tested on Alucard.
Install with XV2INS.exe
Uploaded the right screenshots!