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[Amenotejikara] A space-time ninjutsu used to shift yourself between spaces, causing anything occupying the space you target to swap places with yourself.

This is an Evasive Skill, available only for all races (Although originally designed only for Male & Female Earthlings)

YouTube Channel Link -

If you have any issues, or notice any bugs, report/contact me in the comments section of my most recent Xenoverse 2 Modding Videos on my YouTube Channel (link provided above). This is so I can get actual notifications since VGM & Nexus haven't been giving me notifications when people comment.

- Also, if you wish to make specific bug reports, feel free to join my Discord Server @ and leave a message in the "xv2-mod-support" Channel.

Installation Steps:

1) Install the x2m via xv2ins.

1.0 - Initial Release {September 30th, 2021}

1.1 - New Animations, increased range to infinite, and other various improvements. {January 3rd, 2022}

1.2 - Made it so that you no longer needed my Custom Earthling Revamp skill to use this mod. Also added support for all races. Keep in mind that the original animation was only intended for Humans, so it (the animation) may look a bit off on other races. Functionality still works fine though. I May update the animations at some point in the future...maybe. {May 22nd, 2022}

  • 3Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
100.68 kB
May 22, 2022


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  1. This blog post discusses space-time ninjutsu that is used to shift yourself between spaces, causing anything occupying the space you target to swap places with yourself. You can visit to get more info easily. While this technique is not without its limitations, it can be extremely useful in a variety of scenarios. For example, it can be used to escape dangerous situations or to infiltrate enemy territory undetected. If you’re interested in learning more about this mysterious technique,.

  2. The way you’re trying to make us install your other mod is really annoying. We all don’t want to install your CER mod. Do something so this skill can be used separately or it’ll be considered as garbage mod, see the stars. You deserve better.

    1. I come back after a few months seeing some comments, so I decided to respond accordingly. The stars don’t mean anything in terms of quality of content, it’s simply an opinion-based feature, with no explanation required. Not to mention, I’m posting a Naruto-themed skill on a DB Mod site, so the opinions… are self-explanatory. Anyone who’s familiar with the concepts of the Amenotejikara will & have enjoyed this mod, and that’s the only reason I made it.

      Now I went ahead and updated the skill so that all races can use it without the C.E.R mod. A functionality that took a solid 60 seconds to add-in. So next time, a person might feel more inclined to jury-rig it themselves, rather than feeling entitled to an update on a mod that’s been made available to the public for free.

    1. How interesting. Did you get all that from a simple sentence? Wow! You’d make a lousy detective, full of assumptions and lacking in evidence, but who knows… maybe someone somewhere might need a person with those traits.

  • 3Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
100.68 kB
May 22, 2022

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