Andoids with unlimitated energy

(Inspired on Budokai Tenkaichi 3)
Adds Android 13,16,17 and 18 with an automatic recharge of Ki and stamina.
This is the first version, I plan to add the rest of Number 17 and Number 18's outfits in the future, if anyone has any simple ideas for a mod, I'd really appreciate it.
When you download it you will find 2 folders, one with low recharge and one with instant recharge, they are not compatible.
Adds Android 18 (1 Skin)
Adds Android 17 (1 Skin)
Adds Android 16 (1 Skin)
Adds Android 13 (1 Skin)
your comment
Interesting Idea, I like the concept but the video shows that the stats could be better done in a more consistent/better way to flow better in battle. I’d also recommend taking each super soul into account as well to better fine tune the stats.
Do you haver 2 versions when you download, the other hever real unlimitated ki and stamina
Awesome critic, I cried