Android 21 Hairstyle for HUF/SYF/MAF
Android 21's hairstyle avaliable for female humans, Saiyans and Majin. Colorable version for all female races plus a white version for Majin.
For HUF/SYF: Replace "XX" with the number of the hair you want to replace and drop it into the HUF folder.
For MAF (Colorable and white both): Same as HUF, but you must also edit the BCS file if you do not want glitchy flickering black textures.
Convert the MAF.BCS file to XML through Genser and locate the number of the hairstyle you want to replace with CTRL+F. You will see a line that says "NULL, MAF_-hair number-_Hair, MAF_000_Face_Base, NULL. Replace MAF_000_Face_Base with MAF_-Hair number-_hair, save, convert to bcs again through Genser and drop the new MAF.BCS file in your MAF folder.
2.0. Added MAF version.
2.5. Added white haired MAF version. Took me a while. Huge thanks to Tharag for pointing out the solution to me!
3.0. Fixed bug where the hair would have glitchy meshes in various places. Also added hair lines to the white MAF version.
Reuploaded due to site manteniance.
You don’t need Genser, you can open the BCS in notepad and edit it there.
Followed instructions, game freezes when I try to select the new hair.