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Animated Saiyan Tails DBXV2 (Accessory Included)

This was inspired by Kthxbai's tail accessory (here). I just always hated the idea of it not moving. It was easy enough to make a working tail accessory for males by ripping ssj4 goku's tail and getting creative with ean files. Never posted my mods in the past though.



Fighting Styles: These are merely experiments & you guys are the beta testers. Cosmetic fighting styles will work with SS3. Full swaps will not work with SS3. That's because the bac/bcm files which control which animations are tied to which actions, hitbox size/location, battle state, & various other things are being changed if you use a full swap fighting style. Those files can't be edited currently and the ones for characters like SSJ Gogeta aren't setup to work with an SS3 transformations. That's why I said that most full swaps won't work with SS3. Cosmetic fighting styles will because they don't modify bac/bcm access. Making a fighting style cosmetic is just a matter of making sure it has the right animations in the places where the bac/bcm files are looking. The downside is that the damage sequence won't match up. Don't expect much as far as theses fighting styles. This is just a "because I thought I could" sorta thing. A tailed Bardock and female SS4 Gogeta may be on the way. Just wait & see.


SS3 Stance: The SS3 stance will not be included in the fighting styles for this mod. The problem is that I don't have the tools to properly edit these animation files. I can combine, add, & delete animations but when you combine animations of different lengths you can get a nasty black screen glitch caused by one animation finishing early. If I could loop the shorter animation which in this case happens to be the tail then crop it at the end of the SS3 animation it would work but I can't currently figure out how to loop it. I can make it crop the SS3 animation to the length of the tail animation but the last time I tried that it caused a really odd transition back to the beginning of the animation that just was too off to ignore. Honestly doing the former rather than the latter would likely cause the same issue. All of the different fighting styles I included so far in this pack are just experiments for that reason. I currently don't have the time to work on fixes for them either. Rather than take them down entirely, I decided to leave them. Someone with the proper tools & more time to devote to it should be able to get the SS3 stance working properly. For me personally, it just wasn't worth the effort. I rather just not use that stance than cause a match breaking black screen glitch for everyone. That's my stance on that stance. If someone figures out how to get it working with a tail you can just swap my animation for theirs and be good to go.




SS4 Pack

This pack features tailed pants that work properly in all forms, as well as tailed SS4 busts & regular SS4 busts allowing you to properly customize you cac saiyan. Now you guys have you're standard saiyan brown tails and even a matching SS4 bust that transform to all SS forms (SSJ, LSSJ, SSG, SSB, & SSR). There are also versions of everything that match your hair included. It works perfectly with this mod & frees up the accessory slot for a scouter or whatever. Check the link for more details.


Minor Update (11/14/16):

The female version of the accessory & the files needed to make it work are now included with version 2.0


IMPORTANT Update (11/22/16):

With version 2.5, there are now standard saiyan brown tail accessories that works with all SSJ forms, but they does not transform. Took a while to work out how to work around the issues stopping this from happening but I eventually figured it out. The hair matching versions are still included as well, but again it will not work with SS3. As stated in a previous update, tails also now work with flight. Enjoy. :)




Here is a link to my profile on the forums that you can use to send me PMs for things like commissioned requests. Talk to me before donating if for a request. You can donate by following this link (here).

Also, this is a link to my personal requests thread where you can also find my donation button located in my signature if you're interested in supporting me with future updates and releases.


Copy the files from each folder and place them in the matching folders within data>chara then repack data2.cpk or just launch the game if using xv2patcher.

The hair matching tail replaces Angel Halo so you will need that accessory to use it. It will not work with SS3 or mods that use hair transformations.

The standard brown tail replaces Arale Chan's Poop Stick so you will need that accessory to use it. It will work with SS3 but will not transform.

1.1 - The tail accessory now works with SS3!

1.2 - There are now two options in the SYM folder. One file has the normal saiyan fighting style with working tail while the other contains the modified fighting style featured in my demo video. Rename the file you want to use SYM.ean and place it in the correct folder. Check the Read Me.txt file in the rar.

1.3 - Reverted back to the original version of the mod with a transformable hair colored tail. There are still two fighting style choices. No longer works with SS3 due to the limitations of accessories.

2.0 - Female tail accessory and files now added.

2.1 - People seem to have problems installing mods when I don't add sub-folders showing them where things need to go. You'd think the page instructions would be enough but oh well. Now the female version is also in sub-folders reflecting install path.

2.2 - Both versions now work with flight, though the character will very briefly disappear while flying. Could not find a fix for this.

2.5 - Added standard brown versions of the tails that work with SS3 but will not transform.

2.6 - Reorganized the pack method of the rar. Fixed the female backhit issue. Added additional fighting styles for male saiyans. (All in all some are purely cosmetic such as the SS4 Goku style and some are tailed version full swaps such as the SSJ Gogeta style. Cosmetic versions will work with SS3 while most tailed full swaps won't.) Notes are included throughout the file. Please read them. These styles are still being tested so they may suddenly get removed if they prove too unstable.

2.7 - The static brown tail should stay brown now regardless of what clothes you choose.

2.8 - Gave the brown tails a proper texture file like other accessories use so the color should be right for both males and females & should work with all gear now.

3.0 - Brown tails now color perfectly for both males & females! They also still only replace the accessory I originally wanted them to replace so you can keep your korin's staff and lose the poop stick. I also included a text replacement folder with updated message files that include both names & descriptions for the hair matching tails and brown tails [Saiyan Tail/Saiyan Tail (Brown)]. Enjoy! :)

  • 7Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
56.93 MB
Credit given to modders
January 13, 2017


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  1. Tail works fine for humans in the lobby, and fine for saiyans all around. But in battle, the tail is completely stiff for humans. I don’t know if this has a simple fix or work around, but I don’t wanna break anything I have, either.

  • 7Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
56.93 MB
Credit given to modders
January 13, 2017

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