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AniMe’s Sh*tty Shaders Complete Edition Pack

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, I, AniMe wrLD present to you all my reshade project and all of its presets, I've spent months making all of these shaders and have put quite the effort into creating them, I have several options to chose from based on the specs of your pc, Beyond, Evolved, Standard and Featherweight. These shaders were made due to the fact that I couldnt stand when the big XenoTubers like, rikuduofox, sloplays and etc, had shader presets that wouldnt release or tell you how to acquire them for yourself, So I made my own pack and have shared it with all you, I also put a pretty bow on it (Pun intended) and made a trailer to go with, Since I (wrote this on christmas day) Merry christmas for 2024 and have a happy new year, Please give constructive feedback, dont be the ignorant person in the comments just cussing me out because you are frustrated something isnt working, I will laugh and ignore you if you proceed to do so, Be respectful to me and everyone else. On that note I am happy to help when I see those comments, I wont be checking this website everyday so dont expect immediate help, If you see someone that needs help and you know how to fix it, please be kind and help them, if you want quicker a remedy to your issue my discord is boredahh4nime._.

When You Finish Installing Reshade, Drag And Drop the "reshade-shaders" in the DBX2 Bin folder or wherever you have installed reshade, then Drag And Drop the shader folder pack in the bin folder then locate it when in the reshade menu.


  • 1Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
43.24 MB
December 26, 2024


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      1. Try Deleting and Uninstalling reshade then redownload and install everything again, Make sure you are following the steps in my tutorial video (if needed), steps are also in the description (if needed), if still not working I would try changing my game resolution to 1920 x 1080, thats the resolution I used when making this shader, If that doesnt help, we can try to set up a discord call if needed.

    1. After you installed reshade this is what Anime said ” Drag And Drop the “reshade-shaders” in the DBX2 Bin folder or wherever you have installed reshade, then Drag And Drop the shader folder pack in the bin folder then locate it when in the reshade menu.” if you still need help you probably should DM him on discord

  • 1Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
43.24 MB
December 26, 2024

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