Base Goku Black Moveset for SYM [With Support for tails and SSJ3] (Reflux Concept)
So I, (like most people) wasn't happy that base Goku Black ended up having Goku's combos but I really liked the base Goku Black moveset that Reflux had come up with and so I endeavored to create it myself with a few minor alterations just to help bring it all together. As it is currently, it's only for saiyan males. (So you can bet there's SSJ3 and Tail support.) If anyone wants to use this moveset for their own Goku Black (or any other character) mod then by all means feel free to do so as long as you link back here as credit. None of this would've been possible without the amazing Moveset organizer tools by Yuuki so make sure to check those out on the site as well!
It could work on other races but I haven't tested them yet; I can try if there's enough demand for it but it'd likely be a good bit of work and time if I do end up doing it. Anyways enjoy the moveset!
- Drag and Drop. YAIBA!
1.0 Released to ningens everywhere.
hey so I’m a little stupid
wanted this on base Goku Black so I used Ya.MovesetOrganizer and each time nothing changes, any reason why and/or could you provide this for Goku Black?
Would SYF support be added in the future?