Beast Gohan & Gogeta Blue Update! The Cast-Character Overhaul Project!

This Add-on aims to buff the cast characters and make them much more fun, unique, diverse and competitive in tough content, and in PvP, compared to just always picking the same few characters. This is done by giving various characters their own exclusive Super Souls. And if applicable; revamping their skillset! Or in a rarer instance; giving them their own custom Charge skill as well! Something else to make Cast Characters better as well is now the Debuff present on all Cast Characters in various content has been completely removed in all content as well. So, hopefully with this Add-on, everyone can have fun playing as Cast Characters! There's also a bunch of optional Q.O.L choices you can install if you so please, just make sure if you do plan on playing with friends, you all pick the same options.
Find the Super Soul Details HERE! Or inside New Super Soul Details.txt in the archive.
Here's some notable extra changes from Vanilla to improve the Cast Characters even more!:
- The Stats Debuff present on Cast Characters in all content has been removed!
- Some Characters such as SS4 Goku & Vegeta have new custom Charge-Ups.
- Character Exclusive Super Souls have been introduced to the game, and are a lot stronger than normal Super Souls. Check them out ingame! *More will be added in each update.
- *And More!
Characters who currently have Character-Exclusive Super Souls:
*All Characters have an alternate optional PvP variant of their Super Soul balanced for PvP. Abilities may differ.
- All Characters from the Saiyan Saga
- Some Characters from the Namek Saga
- All Characters from the Cell Saga
- All Characters from the Majin Buu Saga
- All Characters from the Baby Saga
- All Characters from the Super 17 Saga
- All Characters from the Battle of Gods Movie
- All Characters from the Resurrection "F" Movie
- All Characters from the U6 vs U7 arc. [Barring SSBKK]
- All Characters from the DBS: Future Trunks Arc
- All Characters from the ToP Arc
- All Characters from the Tree of Might Movie
- All Characters from the Metal Cooler Movie
- All Characters from the First Broly Movie
- All Characters from the Wrath of the Dragon Movie
- All Characters from the Fusion Reborn Movie
- All Characters from the DBS: Broly Movie
- All Characters from the DBS: Super Hero Movie
- Half of the Xenoverse original characters [Trunks (Xeno), etc]
- *The rest of the sagas will be added through updates! Feel free to leave suggestions on who you'd like to see as well!
- Find the Super Soul Details HERE! Or inside New Super Soul Details.txt in the archive. A picture infographic including all completed characters are in the archive and on this add-on page.
Feel free to leave any feedback/suggestions you have for the add-on! Or characters you would like to see get Super Souls!
[Unlike my Parallel Quests', this Add-on IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE with updates. So keep an eye out!]
[This Add-on IS compatible with Revamp]
[This Add-on is compatible with Proud Mode]
[Add-on does NOT work online. But does with friends provided you both have this installed.]
[This add-on was originally on a new different add-on page entirely, but to reduce multiple avenues of confusion, I decided to move it back to its original in this update. I apologize if this has caused any confusion. Thanks for your understanding.]
[If changes don't showup ingame, reinstall! That should fix the issue!]
[Works with X2M's.]
[Please report issues.]
[Special thanks to Pentium, Cristal and JSM]
Aura Mod in some Screenshots from "Deez Mod Aura Collection".
Add-on created by "Warden"
Current Add-on Version: 1.3.1
Run the provided installer. [Is compatible WITH REVAMP] *If changes don't showup ingame, reinstall! That should fix the issue!
Version 1.3.1 [1/1/25]
*Patches subject for reversion or change in the future.
- -DLC 18 is now supported.
- -chara_select_table.cst is no longer installed with the program.
- -DLC 18 data has been added to the patch.
- -Super Saiyan God Goku’s Super Soul has had its name changed to prevent confusion with an existing Super Soul in the vanilla game.
- -The Secret Option install choice for custom install has been disabled.
Bug Fixes:
- -None
Known Bugs:
- -GS1 & 2 PvP Soul’s Effect 8 Sub Effect 1 is activating even after the Effect should wear off.
- -Towa’s Super Soul is not functioning properly in regards to stats, this is being looked at.
- -Vados and Bye Guys Goku’s Super Souls are not working properly. A temporary name changed is labeled on their Super Souls ingame.
- -New Variations of characters [SS4 Goku, etc] added in previous updates of this project have been disabled due to various issues.
- -The ability to perform 1v2, 1v3's etc. offline has been disabled due to various issues.
Been getting this error does this mean its outdated?
Failed at CST install phase (chara_select_table.cst.xml)
Hey, everytime I installed Cast Overhaul after Revamp, it messed the Dynamic Transforming Hair, even with the Max Revamp Compatibility.
can u readd being able to use breaker energy wave and last emperor anytime long as u have the ki