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Beast Idle + Tail Support for older movesets

This is not a custom Beast Moveset.

Title. What this mod does is it installs all the animations (With tail support for all VANILLA races) and BAC Entries the Beast Awoken Skill uses. This WILL NOT let you do the special combo Beast gets however, since as of writing, BCM support isn't really a thing with Lazybone's Installer. In that regard, it doubles as a Modders' Resource for anyone that wants to add/update these files to their custom movesets, just give proper credit if so or I will show up in your door.

There's also an installer that features just the tail support on VANILLA animations.

* Tail mod used on Screenshots provided by Atsuraelu. To be released. Should work just fine with other tail mods though.


Lazybone's Installer - Just double click the .exe

1.0 - Release.

1.01 - Goofy ahh forgot to take shit off the Tail support installer, redownload it for an updated version.

  • 38Mods
  • 17Followers

June 21, 2023


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  1. I keep getting the following error when I try to install. I’ve tried installing from the root, I’ve tried installing from the DBXV2 game folder, I’m not really sure what the problem is, but it doesn’t work for me.

    System.Exception: Failed at EAN install phase (SYM.ean.xml). —> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
    at Xv2CoreLib.ESK.ESK_Skeleton.Read(Byte[] rawBytes, Int32 offset, Boolean loadAbsTransform) in C:\source\XenoverseTools\XV2 Tools\Xv2CoreLib\ESK\ESK_File.cs:line 262
    at Xv2CoreLib.EAN.Parser.Parse() in C:\source\XenoverseTools\XV2 Tools\Xv2CoreLib\EAN\Parser.cs:line 45
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.GetParsedFileFromGame(String path, Xv2FileIO fileIO, Boolean onlyFromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.GetParsedFile[T](String path, Boolean fromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Install_EAN(String xmlPath, String installPath, Boolean isXml, Boolean useSkipBindings)
    — End of inner exception stack trace —
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Install_EAN(String xmlPath, String installPath, Boolean isXml, Boolean useSkipBindings)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.StartInstall()
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Start()

  • 38Mods
  • 17Followers

June 21, 2023

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