Better Eye types for LazyBones transformation pack.

This pack contains updates for the eye types (pupils) for LazyBones transformations pack it uses Goketer HighCeiling's models/textures fro his Revamp Xenoverse 2 Project Mod Pack. and The101gamerchief's Vegeta (SSBE) Eyes for said form. this pack is tested with Super saiyan all (ssj4 + Rose) and super saiyan all (SSBE) if there are eyes not changed yet me know and i'll fix it ASAP. screenshots show SSJ4 with yellow eyes but i know for for a fact that super vegeta 4 (blue eyes) works aswell.
My discord good for suggestions
incompatible with Gecko03J's Transformed eyes for LB transformations.
Drop data folder into game dir and replace all.
1.0 Release
1.1 Forgot to include HUM SSJ1/2
2.0 HUF version.
2.1 Changed the blue evolution eyes to be more blue. no screenshot for HUF but should be the same as HUM. also added a better screenshot for ssblue.
2.5 Revamp team fixed a bug where the eyes would be the wrong color when far from the character. Now using The101gamerchief's SSBE eyes (Credit to him for making them)
The Ultra instinct Eyes number 270 and 271 doesn’t work. I only replaced the EMD as Lazybones said. “Ultra Instinct -Sign- = 270 (don’t replace eye emb/emm if you want the proper eye texture)
Ultra Instinct = 271 (don’t replace eye emb/emm if you want the proper eye texture)” But now matter how many times, it returns back to original where there are two colors instead of one. Is there a bug, or did I do something wrong?
Sadly, no SSJ4 (256) or SV4 (264) for female saiyan.
good mod please make v3.0
salut mec, j’kiff grav ton mod, il est juste trop bien. penses-tu pouvoir le rendre compatible avec, car sincèrement, les 2 seraient tous simplement parfait ensemble
Any time I use this, male Super Saiyan God always uses the regular pupil-less Super Saiyan eyes, male Super Saiyan Blue Evolution has a blue border around the eyes, and female Super Saiyan Blue Evolution has black white eyes.
can you put a readme or at least label the image to which hum_xxx in your files is the pupil type.
the female super saiyan rage eyes are super screwed up they are tiny
the are good
how about hd