Bio Android Race

The Bio Android Race is now updated and compatible with 1.22.02 of the game!!
The wait is over! Public beta version of the Bio Android Race is Here!
The Bio Android race has been in the works for about 6 years. Originally started by Onifox then gave it to Calikingz01 and LeonExodio to finish it. This mod replaces everything on the Namekians.
Thanks once more for you guys waiting all this time. if you have any questions or problems go to our discord
If revamp and/or expanded is installed then install this after
Look at the read me on how to install.
0.6.5 - Release 10/09/24
-Update to game version 1.22.02
-fixed alot of the feet problems with outfits
0.6.2 - Small Update 1/30/24
-Fixed Skills not showing up in shop
0.6.1 - Small Update 1/19/24
-Fixed more story mode crashes
0.6 - Small Update 1/17/24
-Fixed Story Mode crashes
-Fixed blase005 quest crashes
-Fixed Life Absorption Skill
0.5 - Release 1/1/24 Game Update 1.21.02
-Fixed error with x2m outfits not installing
-Fixed drop-dead gorgeous wish
-Fixed lots of other small bugs
-Fixed Turn Giant awoken skill
-Updated alot of vanilla outfits.
-Updated zetsumei bullet to work with all races
-Updated Transfer Shop Cleark to teleport you to cells arena
-Added new awoken skills
-Added Time Pedestal by cell no more green ball
-Added beast and ui awoken compatibility
-Added mini icon on map for Cell's arena
-Added tail customization (nose slot in cac creation)
-Added faster flying for lobbys options in Installer
0.1 - Release 5/5/23
Hi, is there a way to install this mod without replacing the Namekians?
As of right now, you shouldn’t download this. it will corrupt your game files.
Not to an unplayable degree but there will be a ton of cursed visual errors such as, incorrect inputs shown, glitched clothing, weird models, etc.
It’s outdated
Some guy told me that these look like chimera ants and now i can’t unsee it.
some vanilla and modded clothes have twisted arms, and i made sure to properly install the bcs. what could my issue be?
nevermind, fixed it, but modded clothes are gone. im js gonna assume they arent compatible
Ok this mod is almost perfect but when I try the “Path to Perfection” transformation it only changes the head, the body stays in first form cell so it looks realy janky. I’d love to fix this because it would probably be the main form for my cell cac but it just looks so weird without the rest of the bodies
Hi! Same problem here. Have you found a fix since ?
Wow… I have around 1200 mods… some of which are for namakians and with all those mods it’s caused problems with too many textures, it’s limited so much cool stuff for me but somehow this crazy detailed and well made mod STILL worked PERFECTLY. It had no issues with the former mods for my namek and works well with other mods like some forms and skills. Fr one of the best mods I’ve ever seen AND it’s free, just so great.
When I installed it like how you instructed it just makes my game corrupted and I had to verify it in steam, I even have the mod installer emptied and fresh.
it wont let me extract the file at all. wont even let me open it
same problem it just says its invalid.
Hello! I think this mod looks sick! I can’t wait until this updated! Cell is one of my favorite characters. Some people may be dumping Xenoverse because of Sparking Zero coming out, but I will GLADLY and religiously keep playing XV2 for this mod and revamp.
Please make the mod compatible with version 1.22, when installing it says that the version is not compatible, or how could I solve the error?
Is this compatible with the newest Revamp update? This is the mod that got me into downloading mods and i was impressed and hope to see more. thank you for all your work
we are updating this to the newest update and to be revamp compatible
can you update this its saying i cant install the second one
may somone 1 plz tell me how do i unlock the awoken skills and there isnt a tutoriol
i have no idea were the read me part is so i can install the mod does anyone know were to find it? plz help me lol
nvm i found it
There is a part between Upper Torso and Lower Torso (and some on the arms too but its the same texture) that I can’t change the color. Its yellow and there is no color option for it, is it normal or is it bugged ?
I’m new to this whole thing how do I go about doing the second step main file.exe
its just to make the lobby flying faster choose what race you want it on
I uninstalled this mod and now the item shops is bugged. I can’t get into it. It constantly crashes.
*Skill shop. Its the skill shop that does not work. All the other shops work just fine.
thats new ill see if it is this mod doing that
You ever make a fix because I have the same problem. Do I need to verify my game files or something?
There’s a problem, none of my transformations change CaC and my cells don’t work. It confuses me
Awesome mod and incredible effort. This made me think: Is there any documentation for the method of creating separated races? As races and movesets are connected, this made me think that it would be possible to have, for example, multiple saiyan races with each one a different moveset, in order to have different CaCs with different movesets. Whould this be possible with the method for adding a new race or it would be a ton of work for such a thing?
I’ve done the dodan ray challenge like 20 times now, i can’t find the ultimate finish conditions anywhere and I don’t know how to unlock the awoken skills. Please don’t say watch a tutorial, there are none
same here
Hola Buenas
Podrías Hacer Tambien La Raza de Bu Delgado
(Fit Bu)
There is a problem, none of my transformations change my CaC and my tails arent working. Any way to fix this like adding another mod or something?
you need to install the bcs.x2m in the third folder